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  • Improved finger and wrist range of motion

  • Enhanced circulation and reduction of your trigger points—hyperirritable nodules—in your hand muscles.

What is a Hand Massage?

Receiving a hand massage can provide you with significant health benefits. Hand massage typically is quick, relaxing and provides you with immediate health benefits, such as improved finger and wrist range of motion, enhanced circulation and reduction of your trigger points—hyperirritable nodules—in your hand muscles. According to, your hands contain many acupressure and reflexology points, which are associated with your organs and certain parts of your body.




  • Decrease tension and pain using a variety of different techniques.  

  • Treat pain, stress and muscles tightness.

What is an Arm Massage?

An arm massage focuses mainly on the muscles that make up the upper and lower regions of the arm. There are a range of different muscles that make up the arm. Muscles that make up the arm include; biceps, triceps, brachialis, brachioradialis, coracobrachialis and the extensor carpi radialis brevis. An arm massage aims to decrease tension and pain using a variety of different techniques. Benefits of an arm massage aim to help treat pain, stress and muscles tightness.



  • Alleviate pain in the back and bring a general easiness to the body.

  • Stimulation of the toes has a beneficial effect on the eyes, ears, nasal sinus, teeth and gums.

What is a Leg and Foot Massage?

Foot and leg massage stimulates not only the muscles, which are directly rubbed, but also gives a positive effect on the whole body. And the reason for this is a huge set of reflex points, which are responsible for the state of the body as a whole. For example, there is a huge concentration of points in the arch of the foot, which according to modern reflexology are related to the spine. Therefore, stimulation of this area of the foot can help alleviate pain in the back and bring a general easiness to the body. The stimulation of the toes has a beneficial effect on the eyes, ears, nasal sinus, teeth and gums.

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